Maintenance every 4-6 weeks for Brazilian, half/full leg Brazilian are $10 off.
Bikini & Brazilian Services Bikini $35 Hair removal one inch inside and one inch outside the panty line. Modified Bikini $50 Traditional bikini wax + hair removal from butt crack (adjustable) Brazilian $70 Hair removal from mons pubis, labia, butt crack, and two inches outside of the panty line. Option to leave strip of hair if desired. Brazilian Maintenance $60 (no longer than 6 weeks after initial brazilian service) Butt Crack $20 Hair removal from between the buttocks.
+ Leg Waxing Half Leg + Bikini $70 Hair removal one inch inside the panty line and one inch outside. Hair removal from panty line to below knee or above knee to ankle. Full Leg + Bikini $105 Hair removal one inch inside the panty line and one inch outside. Hair removal from panty line to ankle. Half Leg Modified Bikini $85 Traditional bikini wax + hair removal from butt crack and either panty line to knee or knee to ankle hair removal. Full Leg Modified Bikini $120 Traditional bikini wax + hair removal from butt crack and hair removal from panty line to ankle. Half Leg Brazilian $110 Hair removal from mons pubis, labia, butt crack and two inches outside of the panty line and hair removal of either panty line to knee or knee to ankle. Full Leg Brazilian $140 Hair removal from mons pubis, labia, butt crack and two inches outside of the panty line and panty line to ankle.
Face Waxing Services Brows $20 Brow wax and tint $45 Nose $15 Lip $10 Hair removal from upper or lower lip. Chin $15 Side of face $20 Hair removal from hairline to top of shoulders or from under jawline to the start of the collarbone. Full face $50 Hair removal from eyebrows, lip, chin, and side of face. Neck $15
Body Waxing Services Underarms $20 Half Arm $30 Hair removal from wrist to above elbow or below elbow to shoulder. Full Arm $45 Hair removal from wrist to shoulder. Stomach $20 Hair removal from below chest to waist line. Back $35 Hair removal from below neck to waist. Butt Cheeks $20 Butt Crack $20 Half Leg $50 Hair removal from panty line to knee or knee to ankle. Full Leg $85
For military & students!
Just mention at the time of service.